Creative Craft
Creative Craft zblog
Creative Food
Creative food Entertaining zblog
Days out
Weekend Bake - Lemon and Lime Chocolate Muffins
Lemon and Lime Chocolate Muffins
Heat an oven to Gas Mark 6/200C/180C Fan
I made 18 muffins with this mixture so line 2 tins with Muffin Cases.
I also prepared and weighed everything before I started to mix as this helps.
Ingredients and Recipe
125ml Vegetable oil
2 Medium Eggs
250ml of Skimmed Milk
Put this into a bowl and mix thoroughly
200g Caster Suger (You can use white or Golden)
400g Self Raising Flour
1 teaspoon salt
Grated Rind and Juice from a Lemon
Add this to the mixture and stir until thoroughly mixed
Bar of Green Lime Infused Chocolate (Cut into chunks or can be grated)
Add to the muffin mix and stir well.
Spoon the lemon and lime chocolate mixture into muffin cases. I filled mine to about 3/4 full.
Cook in the oven for about 20 - 25 minutes, or until golden on the top and a knife comes out clean.
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