Weekend bake - Lemon and Lime Cake

Lemon and Lime Cake 


Cake Mixture
8oz Caster Sugar
8oz Butter
4 eggs
8oz Self Raising Flour
Rind of one lemon and one lime

I dont know how sweet people like this and I never measure  I used butter, icing sugar and the juice from the lime.    Cram the butter and icing sugar with the lime juice.

Drizzile Icing
Icing Sugar and juice from the lemon  Mix until runny but not overly wet.

For the cake
Grease and line two 9inch spring formed cake tins.
Heat over to gas mark 4/5

In a large bowl cream together the butter and the caster sugar.
Add eggs one at a time with a little of the flour and beat in well.
Add the reamining flour and stir in.
Add the lime and lemon rinds.

Divide by the two tins and cook until the spong springs back usually about 25 - 30 minutes.

Whilst in the tin and still warm spoon the lemon drizzle icing over the top of one half of the cake.  Leave in the tin until cool.    Remove teh other half and leave to cool.

When the second half is cool, put the lime buttercream icing on and then remove the drizzle topped top and place on the top.

Serve with a cup of coffee or tea,   Enjoy this moist and refreshing cake.

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