Flourless orange cake

Preheated over Gas Mark 4

Lined 9 inch spring tin

Two small oranges (These need to be boiled whole for about 40 minutes until soft.  Then cut into quarters, pips removed and liqudised until a pulp.

280g (10oz Ground almonds)
250g (9ox caster sugar)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
1 tesapoon of Cointreau
6 eggs lightly beaten

Once you have prepared the pulp, into a bowl put the eggs.  Lightly beat them,   Add all other ingredients and mix well.

Pour mixture into the baking tin and cook for about 40/50 minutes until the cake leaves the tin siedes and is form to the touch.

Serve cool with whipped cream.

Enjoy and happy weekend

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